Is breastfeeding really best?
Mum of five Aileen Hickie says mothers should not be bullied into breastfeeding if they don’t want to
I am going to have to disagree. Nobody is bullying moms into breastfeeding. The studies have been done and the medical benefits of breastfeeding is undeniable. Formula should be the very last resort when deciding what to feed a baby. If mom's choose not to breastfeed, they are automatically making a choice that creates medical issues, costs taxpayers money, and can threaten the life of the child (in the case of ill or premie babies).
To put it bluntly... you push a baby out of your vagina, after carrying it in your uterus for 9+ months, and then to say breastfeeding is weird, too painful, inconvenient, etc. Also, these same mom's are the ones who wouldn't eat lunch meat, drink a sip of wine or do any research on their birth. What a cop-out. I went through so much to birth a happy and healthy baby girl, why would I quit the moment she is born?
There is nothing easy about having a baby, and if you think that your role stops the moment the baby is born, you're sorely mistaken. It takes work, effort, pain, tears, emotions and a slew of other not so enjoyable feelings. Breastfeeding is a job. I have to get up and feed the baby, pump, get her bottles ready for daycare, pump at work, but isn't my daughter worth it? I think so!
I think women who choose not to breastfeed are selfish. If you have no plan to ever breastfeed, you're too selfish to have a child. Sorry... that's how it is.
I also think that our medical system has set women up to fail with breastfeeding. So many well meaning mothers fail because they are given bad advice, no advice, mean nurses, people saying things like "if you don't learn to breastfeed, we're not letting you leave the hospital." or "if this baby doesn't gain weight, you're going to have to quit breastfeeding."
My advice is for mommies to surround themselves with successful breastfeeders, stop with the mama guilt, stop calling it "bullying" and accept that our society forces people to not leave their babies unattended, not lock babies in the car, not do other horrible things to their kids, so why would we sit back and just let them fill their baby will cow milk from a terrible factory? We care about the future of your child! Do some research, learn how to be successful!
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