It's been a crazy couple of months for me but wanted to chime in to let everyone know we are still here! Ardun is now 8 1/2 months old, he's been nicknamed Turbo and he's just amazing.
I was slightly jealous of Rachel's last post and her ability to pump and nurse beyond a year and I am just hoping that I make it another two weeks to his 9 month mark. I am insanely jealous of her paid pumping breaks where she gets to read! I don't get to take breaks to pump, in fact, I only get to pump once while at work, on my lunch break. My milk supply has been dwindling (like I only pump about 1.5 ounces TOTAL each time) and Ardun is still not the best nurser so who knows where we will be by then. At this point, we nurse when I am with him and then at the babysitter he gets formula. Yep, the dreaded formula.
Even if I don't make it to his first birthday, I am proud of making it this far. I know that breastfeeding has been one of the hardest things I have ever done and that I have stuck with it so long does make me feel good.
This past weekend I had to attend a class for work and it was 9-5 on both Friday and Saturday. I called in advance and let them know I was a pumping mom and needed to be able to use the lactation room, she said there wouldn't be a problem with that. I arrived a little late on Friday and I didn't get to ask where the room was and of course they didn't leave instructions for me. Thank goodness I wasn't the only pumping mom, I spotted something very familiar, a PIS bag from across the room. I thought I would ask her where the pumping room was when she got back. I watched the clock and thought, "wow, she pumps for a long time, she's been gone 30 minutes." Well, when I finally had her show me where the closet, err, lactation room was I understood why. It was soo out of the way and tucked in a corner of the purchasing department. There was no lock on the door, just a sign reminding people that the room is in use. At least there was a room, I pump in a storage room that is also our break room while everyone, including my boss walk in and out at lunch time. Well, Saturday rolls around and I go to pump and of course the purchasing department is locked, therefore, access to the lactation room was also locked. Do you know how hard it is to find someone with keys at UMKC Dental School on a Saturday? I was almost ready to find a bathroom with a plug out of the way, ugh, can you imagine? I finally did and got into the little room. I was never happier to get home to my little man and ignore the pump for the rest of the weekend.
On a different note...Ardun LOVES eating and recently I was able to try a bunch of the Happy Baby line-for free! Watch for Ardun's opinion coming soon!
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