We're a couple of moms who met in Bradley birthing class. Our kids we're born 8 days apart in April with entirely different birth stories. We're here to put some humor in to the life of working motherhood, natural birth expectations and a woman who will pump in public in all sorts of crazy locations.
We both cloth diaper, selectively vax, breast feed, and work full time. Once the kiddos get to be 6 months, we'll make their food too.
We wanted to make a blog that celebrates breastfeeding, mothering and all of the work that goes into it in an honest and lighthearted fashion. There are a lot of really negative sites out there talking about pumping and working, etc... We know our lifestyles aren't for everyone, but we wanted to be a real voice for those who are going through this with us, or plan to do the same things.
If you need help or support with breastfeeding, feel free ask... we've been through a lot in our first 4 months of motherhood. Low supply, bad latch, bleeding nipples, mastitis, pumping all freakin' night long, supplements, a baby who won't sleep without a boob in her mouth, and various other things! We'll try to answer everything but we're big fans of La Leche League and the lactation consultants at local hospitals. The more support you have, the easier it will be!
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