As a very proud and successful breastfeeding mother, I would like to extend an olive branch to you, the formula feeding mommies of the world. When I say that formula is disgusting, I don't blame your choice, I blame the formula manufacturer. When I say that breast is best, I don't say this to make you feel bad, I say this because it's medically proven and we as a society need to wake up and support new mothers. The new
CDC report shows that 75% of women attempt to breastfeeding postpardum and only 17% are still exclusively breastfeeding by 6 months. This shows that 75% of women are trying to make it work. I stand up and applaud you!!! Those 25% that didn't even try, many have reasons, such as medical reason, reasons relating to HIV status, drugs prescribed or other reasons, I understand, those who just chose not to, shame on you.
Hospitals and formula manufacturers are to blame. I don't trust them, I don't like them and I sure as hell don't want them to have anything to do with me or my baby (unless we're very ill, and then I'll consider going to a hospital).
Why are babies hijacked the moment they're born and given a bottle within the first few hours of their life? Why aren't doctors and nurses called in to help a women establish a healthy breastfeeding relationship? A study published in the journal Pediatrics shows that if 90% of women breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months of life, 900 babies lives would be spared. Talk about pro-life! This article by
MSNBC states "The magnitude of
health benefits linked to breast-feeding is vastly underappreciated, said lead author Dr. Melissa Bartick, an internist and instructor at Harvard Medical School. Breast-feeding is sometimes considered a lifestyle choice, but Bartick calls it a public health issue."
This isn't to be taken lightly. We're programmed by corporate America to trust them with what is best for our families. We have learned through trial and error that many things promoted as "healthy" and "natural" are neither healthy or natural.
The book Selling out Mothers and Babies by Marsha Walker examines the marketing tactics used by formula companies on the health care industry. A National Library of Medicine
abstract on the book states: "Walker reports that, in 1984, the World Health Assembly established the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and specifically targeted the feeding of infants as a health issue rather than an economic issue.
However, the United States was the sole rejecter of this code, stating that infant feeding was an economic issue. Since that time, the marketing strategies of formula companies have purposely circumvented the code and its mandates."
I am sympathetic to you mommies who have tried and failed. Instead of being pitted mommy against mommy, why don't we take a stand as mommies against the formula industry. Lets start demanding a higher quality product, consumer protection, honest marketing strategies! Lets rise above the corporate evils and start supporting the breastfeeding mother as friends, co-workers, bosses. Lets not sneer at women who breastfeed in public, or banish pumping mothers to dirty public restrooms. Lets rise as parents and unite. It shouldn't be us v. us, it should be us v. them. Lets do what is best for our children, the best way we know how. Lets advocate for more support, higher quality formula and an understanding that breast is best, but formula is okay too as long as you gave it your best try.
No more fighting... in the end, its the babies that matter, right?