I took the week off. I deserved it dammit!
My family and I took a vacation home to see family in California. I was a little nervous about traveling with Eliza since she was almost 5 months old. I was nervous about breastfeeding on the plane sitting next to strangers, I was nervous about the dirty looks we were going to get... I am not generally a nervous person, but I think I may have psyched myself out.
It wasn't bad at all!!! Nursing on the plane was easy, nobody bothered me, I don't know (or care) if anyone saw. I recommend wearing a nursing top so you dont have to lift your shirt or pull it down, because I was able to nurse very discreetly. Save for my little brat of a child drooling all over the shirt, it was great!
We cloth diapered the entire trip. I wanted to use disposables for the flight, airport, travel days, but I panicked last minute because I didn't want to use the natural diapes and have them leak on me, or use the chemical dipes and have them give her a chemical burn, so I panicked (common theme, huh?) and just packed our BumGenius. Good choice, they were great. She did blow out a diaper on the plane ride home (thanks lovey) that we changed out quickly, and discretely. Thank god for breast milk poop, it doesn't smell bad!
I did pump once so I could leave my mom with the baby, but she ended up boycotting the bottle and waiting until I got home from dinner to nurse. Oh well!
I did get a little sore from the constant nursing, but it was really nice. We took Eliza to the ocean for the first time, to San Francisco, to Sonoma County, to meet her namesake, my brother, my aunts, uncles and cousins! What a terrific trip!
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