I ran across this article this morning while reading the daily news.
Hopefully with resources and more media coverage people will begin to realize how normal it is to feed your child they way they were intended to. Again, as Rachel and I both have said, there are reasons why some children cannot get breastmilk but I have to think that there are many kiddos who could have breastmilk but the Momma for one reason or another doesn't do it.
I know how hard it is and I know how hard it is to continue to breastfeed once you return to work, so I get it Momma's, I know why you don't keep going, but being a Mom also means a lot of self sacrifice and I don't regret one minute of my sacrifices I have made to give Ardun what I have.
Even if you didn't breastfeed or couldn't, it's important to support those who are and encourage it for others. I am so lucky my coworkers, some who have breastfed and some who tried but didn't continue, are all super supportive of me doing this for Ardun and have even offered to feed me while I pump! Let's make Missouri a better place, support breastfeeding and let people know it is NORMAL!
I totally agree!! We had such issues breastfeeding that I chose to pump. And that is definitely NOT an easier route! But I pumped for all three of them - so much that we had to buy a deep freeze for the garage to store it all! But it is so much better for your child and I truly do not understand people who don't get that.