Thursday, December 16, 2010

I have made a big decision...

I have decided to continue pumping past one year. I told myself to make it to one year and then I would switch Eliza to an organic goat milk, but I just can't do it. I have no desire to let her wean, and she has no desire to wean. So, if she is still nursing full time, what is the point of me not pumping? I don't really want to pay for the organic goat milk, she loves her mom's milk, and I can continue to ship my milk through the Eats on Feets program.

My girl has started eating more solid foods, but she still loves her boob. I enjoy my pumping breaks (which are paid, thank you Courts!!!) because I can read and relax alone for a while. I only pump twice a day and since Eliza has been a nursing machine, I have been pumping a ton lately. I also stopped stressing out about it. I used to freak out if she didn't have fresh milk for Monday morning and I would pump all weekend to be sure. Now, I just let it go. If she doesn't have fresh Monday milk, she can drink frozen. Its no biggie.

Anyway. I was the anti-breastfeeder (I knew I would, but I just hated the idea of it), and here I am as an extended breastfeeder!

E will be 8 months old in two days!

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