Monday, November 29, 2010

We have a tooth!

E's first tooth has cut. She bit me. It hurt. I said "OUCH" loudly without startling her too bad. I handed her to daddy and she had to stop eating. She wasn't pleased... but she hasn't done it since... we'll see how long this lasts!

Other advice given to me:

Yell OUCH loudly (ill wait until she is a bit older for this)
Push her face into the breast until she lets go (good for biters who don't let go!)
Stick the finger in the mouth to break the latch

Any more advice out there!?

This blog has a kick ass section on biting!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on that first tooth.

    Remember to catch the Tooth Fairy in the act whenever that tooth pops out.

    Free with code: Fairy-Proof (a $10 value)
