Monday, September 27, 2010

Starting a new job as a pumping mother!

I just put in notice at work that I am moving back home to California to be near my family. I have been so blessed to have such a supportive workplace of my parenting and pumping. I have had a safe space to pump, paid breaks, and loads of support.

Now I must venture into a new world. As a librarian, I am surrounded by child-less women and men. I don't know what it is about the profession, but many choose to forgo parenthood. I don't understand it and I have a friend writing her PhD. thesis on the phenomenon.

Ill go through my experience of finding a new job, dealing with the trials and tribulations of attempting to pump, and we'll work through it together.

Thank you to my current bosses for their amazing support through this first 5 months of being a pumping mamacita!

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