Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Day in the Life

Today, I was so exhausted, my head was on the table, my hands on my boobs and my pump kept saying “wake up, wake up, wake up!”

It isn’t a wonder that I hear my pump saying that considering the schedule I keep. Here is a day in the life of me.

5am: wake up to Ardun rousing; put him in bed with my husband and me. I nurse him until he is happy or falls back asleep.

6am: pump for 15-20 minutes, depends on how long it takes for the milk to stop flowing, and sometimes give Ardun a bottle if he is still hungry, David helps with this.

7am: leave for the babysitter’s house

8am: get to work

9-10am: I try to pump sometime between 9 and 10am at work each day, this is 15-20 minutes I do not get paid for

1-2pm: lunch and pump

5:30pm: leave work, get Ardun at 5:50pm

6-6:15pm: get home, nurse Ardun

7pm: pump, make dinner, do laundry and whatever wife/mommy duties I have which generally involves me not sitting down until 9pm, just in time to…

9pm: nurse and pump

9-10pm: get Ardun to calm down and go to sleep

11pm-12am: I pump again between 11pm and 12am

2am: pump while sleeping

5am: start all over

This schedule has been intensified the past three nights due to a sick baby so I have gotten about 6 hours total in three days. Needless to say I’m running on empty! Here’s to a weekend with some rest!

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